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Hints and tips for getting started...


Firstly before using any sling you should check it over, so if it's a woven check to make sure there are no holes or pulls, if its a stretchy check for holes, tears and for mt's and buckles check all your seams are still in good condition, if you have any concerns over the safety of your sling please contact a professional before using it.


Ok now some more safety guidelines... There are two main guidelines we use.. ABC  and TICKS..









Following these guidelines is not the be-all and end all of babywearing but it's a great place to start for a comfortable and safe babywearing journey.



How To Use your Sling


There are hundreds of different ways to tie a sling and various ways to learn.. most people come along to a sling meet to be shown in real life but we know that isnt convenient for everyone.. other options are to have a consultation (where you are shown in depth on a one to one basis) or to learn from youtube videos.


The most popular carry with a stretchy sling is a pocket wrap cross carry  (PWCC)

The most popular starter carry with a long woven wrap (usually a 6 or 7) is a Front Wrap Cross Carry (FWCC)

When learning to back carry a Ruck or Ruck variation (usually with a size 4) is good place to start... This is a good video to show this carry..


Mei-Tai's can be used on back or front, this video shows how to tie on back and works for most styles of mei-tai....


Full Buckled carriers can be used on front or back also.. we always recommend you follow the manufacturers instructions, most of these can be found on their websites...




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